Baptism is the first sacrament any of us receive and we receive it only once. Parents present their children to be baptized in their Faith and aspire to nurture that Faith in their children until they accept it as their own.
There is a program designed to provide information and guidance in fulfilling their responsibilities as parents.
The program consists of a single evening presentation (about an hour long), usually on the first Monday of the month. Contact the Parish office in advance of the session to sign up.
You must be registered in the parish first, or a member of a registered family.
Our Baptisms are performed as scheduled.
The Godparents must both be Christian, one needs to be a confirmed Catholic.
According to Canon 874 of the Code of Canon Law (1983), he or she must be:
¨ Be sixteen (16) years of age or older.
¨ Be a Catholic who has received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
¨ Participate in the Celebration of the Eucharist weekly.
¨ Live a life in harmony with the Roman Catholic Church and the Gospels.
Not be the parent of the candidate for Baptism.
To register for the church, schedule a baptism or the baptismal class,
call Dawn Alexander at 973-627-0269x810 or email [email protected]