Curious about Cursillo? Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus proclaimed the Year of Faith from October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013. Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to take greater responsibility for the gift of your faith? Do you desire a stronger relationship with Christ? Would you like to find out how friendship with Christ provides a firm foundation for all other relationships? If you answered YES or maybe, then we ask you to consider Cursillo.
Cursillo is a Spanish word which means "Short Course". Cursillo, a short course in Christianity, happens at a once in a lifetime weekend retreat. Cursillistas, those who have encountered Christ on the Cursillo weekend, meet regularly to share in friendship what it means to be Christian. The St Mary's Cursillistas cordially invite you to consider Cursillo. Remember, Christ is thirsting for a deeper relationship with ALL of us!
If interested in joining our Cursillo group, please call Carrie Donahue at 973-442-1871 or email at [email protected]